Shipping Information
Shipping and Delivery
We can ship your order to virtually any address in Australia or overseas, restrictions may apply to some products.
We calculates shipping charges while processing your order. For large quantities please call us as we may be able to offer better rates. We reserve the right to alter the calculated shipping charges for large, heavy or bulky items or for customers located in remote parts of Australia. See below for more details.
Order Dispatch
We pride ourselves on shipping orders quickly. Orders will normally be dispatched as follows:
- Orders received prior to 1:00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) will normally be dispatched on the following business day.
- Orders received after 1:00pm will normally be dispatched within two business days, subjected to stock availability.
Urgent Orders
Expedited shipping is available by special arrangement and extra charges may apply. Please call us to check stock levels if your order is needed urgently.
Delivery Time Frames
For most 'major city-metro' locations within Australia you should expect to receive your order within five business days once dispatched, although 3 days is possible for Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane metro locations. Remote locations could take longer.
International customers should expect to receive their order in 10-14 business days after dispatch. Note that some locations may take longer.
Order Tracking
All orders are sent with tracking and you will be emailed a tracking details when your order is dispatched. Please contact us if your order is not received in a reasonable time frame for us to investigate directly with the freight company.
Bulky, Heavy or Large Items
Deliveries of large, bulky or heavy orders may be subject to additional freight charges. We will contact you prior to dispatching your order if necessary, for the payment of any additional fee, or a full refund if you choose not to proceed.
Remote Locations
Deliveries to non-metropolitan locations within Australia may be subject to additional freight charges. We will contact you prior to dispatching your order for the payment of any additional fees if applicable. You may elect to cancel your order and to receive a full refund if you choose not to proceed.
International Orders
DI Boats Supplies welcomes customers from outside Australia. Note that dangerous goods and some bulky items cannot be sent overseas. We will contact you to refund if this affects your order.
Domestic Carriers
DI Boat Supplies uses different freight companies including Direct Freight and Australia Post. The company we use for your order depends upon:
- Your delivery address
- The physical size of your order
Shipping Tips
- Special Instructions: Any special instructions or advice for the courier driver can be entered while taking your order and we will attach the message to the front of your package. Statements such as "Dog is friendly", "Please leave on front porch if no-one is home" or "Leave package behind green gate" are commonly used.
- Order Early: Orders received before 1:00pm will normally be dispatched the next business day.